Le 1er Juillet 2017, Liesse Noëlla TETEYA a été
sacrée Miss East Africa France 2017 en représentant le Burundi dans
cette compétition. Parmi les vingt candidates en lice, c’est la
splendide Liesse, burundaise de mère, de 18 ans qui a remporté la
victoire. Elle est revenue sur ses moments de gloire quand elle a visité
notre studio accompagnée de sa famille.
Qui est Liesse Noëlla TETAYA, Miss East Africa France 2017 ?
D’un père centre-africain et d’une mère burundaise, Liesse Noëlla est
née et a grandi en France. Elle est la cadette d’une famille de trois
enfants. Etudiante en droit depuis peu, Liesse est la première à porter
la couronne Miss East Africa France 2017 en représentant le Burundi.
Lors de son sacre, elle est plus que surprise. Elle confie : J’étais
plus impressionnée qu’autre chose parce que j’étais face à des femmes
très jolies. Il y avait 3 autres burundaises. Certaines d’entre les
candidates avaient déjà participé au même concours ou avaient un
parcours dans le mannequinat. »
Du haut de ses 1m84, Liesse Noëlla est le portrait-type de la jolie
fille qui attire le regard immédiatement, quand bien même dans une salle
il y aurait plein de monde. Calme, polie et éloquente, elle remplit les
cases d’une Miss. D’ailleurs, lorsqu’elle arrive à notre bureau ce
matin, elle est accompagnée d’une véritable cours : son père, sa mère,
sa sœur, son oncle et sa tante. Son entrée dénote une certaine majesté…
On dit merci à Georgette!
L’idée de s’inscrire à la compétition n’est pas venue, avoue-t-elle gaiement. « M’inscrire
n’était pas vraiment ma volonté. Pour remonter à l’origine, je fais
partie d’une association qui récolte des fonds pour les jeunes acteurs
de la troupe ‘ NINDE ?’ Et la présidente de l’association, Georgette
MINANI, m’a inscrite au concours. Du coup, c’est par ce biais que j’ai
fait connaissance du monde de Miss East Africa »
Pendant son année de sacre, Liesse voudrait promouvoir l’éducation
dans les villages et les provinces, à commencer par le Burundi. Au
Burundi pour des vacances depuis une semaine, elle n’a pas eu un seul
moment à elle seule. Elle enchaine les passages aux différentes radios,
dans des studios et a même obtenu un rendez-vous avec le Ministre de la
Jeunesse, des Sports et Culture.
La suite ?
“Porter sur le devant de la scène le projet avec les portes qui me seront ouvertes le long de mon année de règne ». Profiter des vacances dans son pays qu’elle n’avait pas revu depuis 11 ans fait également partie de son agenda.
Miranda Akim’
SOURCE :: http://akeza.net/interview-exclusive-avec-liesse-noella-miss-east-africa-france-2017/
Miss East Africa France
mercredi 19 juillet 2017
lundi 12 juin 2017
The second edition of Miss East Africa was held on Saturday June 4,
2011 in Paris, France. The event took place in “La Vedette” boat on the
River Seine at the foot of the Eiffel Tower. The boat was quickly filled
to capacity after the doors were opened to the public to welcome
members of the Diaspora of the five countries that form the East African
Community (Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda).
The guest of honor of the event was Mrs. Greta Swings, Director of Kenya Airways. Also present were representatives of the East African Embassies: His Excellency Gaspard Musavyarabona- Ambassador of Burundi to France, Her Excellency Dr. Mary Khimulu- Ambassador/Permanent Delegate to UNESCO, Mr Michael Katungye who represented H.E Elizabeth Paula Napeyok- Ambassador of Uganda to France, and Mr. Edwin Maloba who represented Her Excellency Salma Ahmed- Ambassador of Kenya to France. Special guests were former Miss East Africa 2010, Clementine Buyoya and her mother Her Excellency Sofia Buyoya, former First Lady of Burundi.
Miss East Africa 2011 also attracted the participation of several sponsors namely Kenya Airways, Bank of Africa-France, Black Up cosmetics, Vedettes de Paris and organisers of La Nuit Africaine.
After a series of fashion shows displaying African and evening wear, the jury chose15-year old Shelina Scaravelli from Rwanda as Miss East Africa 2011. Arielle Mugisha from Burundi and June Odhiambo from Kenya were first and second runners up
This event was an initiative by Kenyan women in the Diaspora, events organizer and Mshale consultant Alambo Bauwa, Mrs. Marie-Agnes Erocido and Mrs. Jacinta Secourf. The aim of this event was to bring East Africans under one roof for one fun night in a magical city of lights that is Paris to celebrate the African Woman. The Kenya Embassy in Paris played a key role in facilitating the event and encouraging its sister Embassies to back the initiative. The event won the endorsement of the East African Embassies who were represented and participated actively. Furthermore, it was a means of promoting the rich cultural diversity of East Africa through fashion, food and music and encouraging regional cohesion of the Diaspora from the East African countries.
The guest of honor of the event was Mrs. Greta Swings, Director of Kenya Airways. Also present were representatives of the East African Embassies: His Excellency Gaspard Musavyarabona- Ambassador of Burundi to France, Her Excellency Dr. Mary Khimulu- Ambassador/Permanent Delegate to UNESCO, Mr Michael Katungye who represented H.E Elizabeth Paula Napeyok- Ambassador of Uganda to France, and Mr. Edwin Maloba who represented Her Excellency Salma Ahmed- Ambassador of Kenya to France. Special guests were former Miss East Africa 2010, Clementine Buyoya and her mother Her Excellency Sofia Buyoya, former First Lady of Burundi.
Miss East Africa 2011 also attracted the participation of several sponsors namely Kenya Airways, Bank of Africa-France, Black Up cosmetics, Vedettes de Paris and organisers of La Nuit Africaine.
After a series of fashion shows displaying African and evening wear, the jury chose15-year old Shelina Scaravelli from Rwanda as Miss East Africa 2011. Arielle Mugisha from Burundi and June Odhiambo from Kenya were first and second runners up
This event was an initiative by Kenyan women in the Diaspora, events organizer and Mshale consultant Alambo Bauwa, Mrs. Marie-Agnes Erocido and Mrs. Jacinta Secourf. The aim of this event was to bring East Africans under one roof for one fun night in a magical city of lights that is Paris to celebrate the African Woman. The Kenya Embassy in Paris played a key role in facilitating the event and encouraging its sister Embassies to back the initiative. The event won the endorsement of the East African Embassies who were represented and participated actively. Furthermore, it was a means of promoting the rich cultural diversity of East Africa through fashion, food and music and encouraging regional cohesion of the Diaspora from the East African countries.
Biggest Event for the East African Diaspora
Miss East Africa France is becoming the
biggest event in Paris for the East African Diaspora in France.
The beauty pageant was founded by three
energetic Kenyan women residing in Paris to promote the East African Culture in
France. Registered in Paris, the team would like France to see East Africa in a
different way. Kenya for example is not only about athletes or safaris; there
is also the Fashion and Beauty culture that the country boosts about.
The pageant has certainly attracted highly
motivated East African young women since 2010 when the first pageant was held.
Beauty pageants have a proud tradition in France as Paris is the Mecca of
fashion. Fashion is one of the fields of expertise in which France has achieved
international reown.The event is supported by all East African embassies in
East African potential sponsors of the
event are encouraged to get in touch. Cosmetics and Fashion
companies—Business/investments would benefit a lot during the event, the
tourism sector too.
lundi 27 mars 2017
The First Edition of Miss East Africa Beauty Contest
The First Edition of Miss East Africa Beauty Contest was held on the 1st
of May 2010 in Paris, France. The event took place in “La Vedette” boat
on the River Seine just beneath the Eiffel Tower. It brought together
over 300 people from the East African Community in Paris, which is no
small feat considering they are a minority in France in comparison to
their Francophone West African counterparts.
Burundi’s Clémentine Buyoya was crowned Miss East Africa by the Kenyan Ambassador’s wife, Mrs Aoko Odembo who was also the Guest of Honour. The winner beamed with pride as Burundi’s Ambassador to France, H.E. Mr Gatoto Nimubona, went up to the red carpet to congratulate her. Kenya won the 2nd place with Ms Wangari Kioge who charmed the audience with a radiant smile and truly African beauty and style. She was awarded her prize by Burundi’s Ambassador’s spouse, Mrs Eliane Nimubona, while the 3rd runner up, Christine Quignot of Uganda received her prize from Mrs Laurette Joseph of the Civil Aviation of France.
Associated to the event was notably French-Carribean star, Thierry Cham, whose latest single “Ecoute-Moi” (Listen to me) is currently being played on French radio stations. He was among the three-member jury which included the Director of Afro Attitude (Events & Communications Company) Marina Marville and the Director of the Vedettes boats, Mr Frederic Aviera.
The contest and turnout are a striking illustration of the talents of the Kenyan Diaspora and the important role they play in show casing our beautiful country. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has recognized their input in national development and has made engagement of the Diaspora a key pillar of its Foreign Policy.
On the sidelines, guests also had the pleasure of seeing the collections of African stylists Martha Mpoufu from Zimbabwe and Nanda Aurelie (aka Ndel’aur) from Cameroon. Notable guests from the diplomatic corps included the Nigerian Ambassador’s wife, Mrs Bristol. There were also expatriates from international organizations such as UNEP. Kenyans were thrilled by the arrival of football star, Denis Oliech and Kenyan professional rugby players in France, Derrick Wamalwa and Dan Weku.
This initiative emanated from three members of the Kenyan Diaspora – Bauwa Alambo, Jessy Mutua and Agnes Erdorcio who then approached the five East African Embassies for support. The Kenya Embassy in Paris played a key role in facilitating the event and encouraging its sister Embassies to back the initiative. The event won the endorsement of the East African Embassies owing to its three-tiered significance: politically, French President Sarkozy declared 2010 the Year for Africa, and numerous social, economic, cultural and political events are taking place all over France throughout the year within this framework; secondly, it is a promotion of the rich cultural diversity of East Africa through fashion, food and music; and finally it is a promotion of regional identity for the East African Diaspora.
Burundi’s Clémentine Buyoya was crowned Miss East Africa by the Kenyan Ambassador’s wife, Mrs Aoko Odembo who was also the Guest of Honour. The winner beamed with pride as Burundi’s Ambassador to France, H.E. Mr Gatoto Nimubona, went up to the red carpet to congratulate her. Kenya won the 2nd place with Ms Wangari Kioge who charmed the audience with a radiant smile and truly African beauty and style. She was awarded her prize by Burundi’s Ambassador’s spouse, Mrs Eliane Nimubona, while the 3rd runner up, Christine Quignot of Uganda received her prize from Mrs Laurette Joseph of the Civil Aviation of France.
Associated to the event was notably French-Carribean star, Thierry Cham, whose latest single “Ecoute-Moi” (Listen to me) is currently being played on French radio stations. He was among the three-member jury which included the Director of Afro Attitude (Events & Communications Company) Marina Marville and the Director of the Vedettes boats, Mr Frederic Aviera.
The contest and turnout are a striking illustration of the talents of the Kenyan Diaspora and the important role they play in show casing our beautiful country. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has recognized their input in national development and has made engagement of the Diaspora a key pillar of its Foreign Policy.
On the sidelines, guests also had the pleasure of seeing the collections of African stylists Martha Mpoufu from Zimbabwe and Nanda Aurelie (aka Ndel’aur) from Cameroon. Notable guests from the diplomatic corps included the Nigerian Ambassador’s wife, Mrs Bristol. There were also expatriates from international organizations such as UNEP. Kenyans were thrilled by the arrival of football star, Denis Oliech and Kenyan professional rugby players in France, Derrick Wamalwa and Dan Weku.
This initiative emanated from three members of the Kenyan Diaspora – Bauwa Alambo, Jessy Mutua and Agnes Erdorcio who then approached the five East African Embassies for support. The Kenya Embassy in Paris played a key role in facilitating the event and encouraging its sister Embassies to back the initiative. The event won the endorsement of the East African Embassies owing to its three-tiered significance: politically, French President Sarkozy declared 2010 the Year for Africa, and numerous social, economic, cultural and political events are taking place all over France throughout the year within this framework; secondly, it is a promotion of the rich cultural diversity of East Africa through fashion, food and music; and finally it is a promotion of regional identity for the East African Diaspora.
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